ANATEL publishes the 18 Tactical Goals for the 2023-2024 biennium to achieve its strategic objectives On January 17, 2023, the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) published the Tactical Management Plan (PGT), with the 18 Goals to achieve the strategic objectives. Approved by the Board of Directors on December 19, 2022, the TMP discusses the strategy that the Agency will adopt to overcome the medium-term challenges necessary to achieve the results expected by society, the telecommunications sector and the Government. The Goals will be annual, related to administrative and operational performance, as well as inspection, and must be achieved during the term. It is worth noting that Anatel’s Strategic Plan aims to demonstrate value and results for society, mainly for four purposes: 1) Promote the connectivity of quality communication services for all; 2) Stimulate dynamic and sustainable markets for communication and connectivity services; 3) Promote the digital transformation of society under conditions of market equilibrium and; 4) Ensure excellence in performance with a focus on results for society. Get to know the 18 Goals and the expected resultsTarget 1: Execute 67% of the Network Coverage and Quality strategic project by 2024. Target 2: Reduce the complaints rate at ANATEL from 0.62 to 0.50 in 2023 and to 0.43 in 2024. Expected results: increased quality of service, network coverage, market competitiveness and transparency with consumers. Target 3: Execute 40% of the connectivity infrastructure capacity strategic project by 2024. Expected results: to carry out an intelligence diagnosis on network capacity; to subsidize decisions on the telecommunications input chain; to guarantee access to network elements and the sharing of infrastructure in a non-discriminatory way, with fair and reasonable prices and conditions; to articulate in the states and municipalities the updating of legislation on the installation of infrastructure; to establish a transparency and visibility tool on the simplification and updating of rules for the installation of infrastructure. Target 4: Complete 90% of inspection actions on time, compared to what was planned in the PAAF. Expected results: reduce the time it takes to carry out inspection actions; improve the relationship with the regulated sector; increase compliance in regulatory action by the regulated, and regulatory resources aimed at expanding infrastructure; increase the responsive culture; act in a more responsive and effective manner; and reduce liabilities, freeing up civil servants for more essential activities. Target 5: Execute 100% of the strategic project Infrastructure protection against cyber threats by 2024. Expected results: protect critical infrastructures and increase protection against cyber threats. Target 6: Execute 70% of the project to revise the General Competition Goals Plan (PGMC) in 2023 and 100% in 2024. Expected results: increase the scope of the Agency’s activities and make market definitions clearer. Target 7: Approve 80% of the Reference Offers for Products on the Wholesale Market (ORPA) submitted for analysis each year. Expected results: more assertive regulation; increased market competition; greater allocative and productive efficiency and transparency in the information provided. Target 8: Carry out 40% of the strategic project Secondary spectrum market by 2024. Expected results: increase efficiency in the use of spectrum, as well as Brazil’s relevance on the international stage; develop techniques for implementing the secondary spectrum market; reduce the time it takes to start using new technologies. Target 9: Disclose 83% of the economic and financial indicators of large companies in open data by the end of 2024. Expected results: to act in a more principled way; to increase the attractiveness of the sector, as well as the speed of implementation of the positive effects of Open RAN and new technologies; to develop the wholesale market; to improve the competitive environment; to increase the capacity of regulation to adapt to future changes. Target 10: Execute 40% of the strategic project Monitoring retail offers by 2024. Expected results: to provide consumers with accurate and up-to-date information on the main offers in the sector; to subsidize public policies aimed at boosting demand; to increase the population’s digital inclusion; and to improve the services provided to users. Target 11: Carry out 40% of the Literacy and digital skills strategic project by 2024. Expected results: reduce scams and digital fraud; increase users’ confidence in technology, the conscious use of digital services, as well as the Agency’s internal participation and interest in the subject. Target 12: Execute 67% of the strategic project Regulatory challenges of the digital ecosystem by 2024. Expected results: speeding up the development of technology; expanding possibilities for action; increasing the Agency’s recognition as a promoter of Intelligence and research; promoting articulation and cooperation with the ecosystem of startups and IT companies; and playing a leading role in regulatory discussions through a principled and convergent approach. Target 13: Execute 100% of the strategic project Impacts of digital platforms on telecommunications by 2024. Expected results: greater understanding of digital platforms, seeking greater balance between market players. Target 14: Achieve at least 70% of the training prioritized each year. Expected results: to increase the performance of civil servants and satisfaction with the work environment; to reduce skills gaps; to develop the capacity for economic analysis and innovative technological businesses that impact the market environment regulated by ANATEL; and to standardize technical and regulatory understanding in relation to the Regional Managements. Target 15: Execute at least 95% of the annual budget. Target 16: Increase the effective monthly average number of posts published on social networks by 7.5% compared to the previous year. Target 17: Execute 45% of the regulatory projects on the Regulatory Agenda in 2023 and 90% in 2024. Expected results: improve public perception of the Agency; and improve good public governance and management practices adopted by the Agency. Target 18: Achieve at least 95% overall execution of the PDTIC each year. Expected results: increased productivity and transparency. The telecommunications regulatory team at PDK Advogados will publish a series of 05 articles discussing, in the necessary depth, the TMP Goals related to the following topics: i. Network infrastructure; ii. OTTs; iii. Cyber Security; iv. 5G and Secondary Spectrum Market; and v. Supervision. Look out for our next content, in which we’ll take a closer look at these issues. Telecom PDK Regulatory Team