Gender equality and female participation in companies: what you need to know

The month of March is widely recognized as International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on the 8th. This date aims to remember women’s struggle for rights and gender equality throughout history, as well as highlighting the importance of female participation in all aspects of social, economic, political and cultural life. It is an opportunity to […]
Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) publishes Resolution No. 178

On February 14, 2023, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) published Resolution No. 178, the new regulatory framework for the activity of investment advisors (the new nomenclature for “autonomous agents”), which will replace Resolution No. 16 of 2012. The Resolution in question brought about a number of changes in relation to the repealed Resolution, […]
Annual Approval of Company Accounts

By the last day of April 2023, companies whose financial year ended on December 31, 2022, must hold a shareholders’ meeting to approve the accounts of the directors. It is at this assembly or meeting of shareholders that the company’s accounts and the financial statements presented by the directors are examined, discussed and voted on, […]
CVM’s concern with ESG and transparency

Since January 2, 2023, publicly traded companies have been required to indicate in their Reference Form whether or not they have adopted environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) policies, a requirement introduced by Resolution 59 of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). If the company has not adhered to ESG practices, it must provide […]